Thomas E. Pheasant

Thomas E. Pheasant

I was born in Seattle, Wa on June 24, 1992


I’m an aspiring student who loves everything about the web. I haven't traveled to many different places and haven't worked in a lot of different jobs. But I’m excited to gain more experience in any fields I can.

I’ve been orchardist most of my life due to my family owning a small family business with 400+ acres of fruit.

Working such a job has given me a good work ethic and expeirence with many hard labour activities such as:

But it also has given me experience in holding responsibilty in more important and difficult work with tasks you have to constantly keep track of. After gaining enough expeirence, I was able to do jobs such as:

Another job I've had recently is Food Prep on campus of Eastern Washington University at Baldy's kitchen. My job mainly revolved around preparing cafeteria size meals for students on campus, restocking, and refilling the island of food options.


One of my objectives is to get a job in LA closer to my girlfriend.


I voluteered at my local Methodist Church back in highschool working on the sound equipment.

To learn more, contact me.


Given my background, I have an impressive amount of work ethic. My work hours in the orchard, on average, was 8-10 hours a day out of 6-7 days a week. The amount of time I put into my job was staggering compared to the work of other people my age.

I want to increase my knowledge, skills and abilities for fields that I might someday apply for, so I have worked with programs such as:

My strongest fields are in Adobe and Microsoft Applications.


High School (Graduate 2011)

High school was when I sarted to get into Web Design and Visual Communication Design. I even took Computer Aided Design for a quarter. I recieved all A's in any classes dealing with computers or design which made me think about going into the field for a job in the future.
Highschool was also the place where I learned teamwork and leadership. I played basketball for 2 years and tennis for 4 years.
During that time in tennis, I was given "Most Improved" Award since I just started learning tennis. I was also given by the team in my fourth and final year the "Team Captain" Award for my never ending support of my teammates. That year was also the year I won 2nd Singles in our District.


I am currently going to Eastern Washington University to get my Game Developement, Animation, and Computer Science Minor with a Visual Communication Design Major.